Corporate Christmas Eve – How to Make a Good Impression?

December is a time for summarizing past achievements and preparing for the upcoming challenges of the new year. It is also the period of Christmas celebrations and often a corporate Christmas Eve. Most commonly, this is an official gathering at a restaurant, but sometimes the party takes place at the company’s premises. At least most of us want to make the best possible impression at such an event, leave a good impression, and perhaps strengthen acquaintances with other employees. Preparing for the meeting is key, regardless of its nature. So how to do it, and is there a code of conduct for such occasions?

Behavior at the Corporate Christmas Eve – Best Practices

In a place where there are only employees, it’s important to take care of a good image. Remember that you will meet your colleagues the next day at work. And it’s better not to have to explain or apologize for your behavior. So what should you avoid? Below, we present a short checklist of topics that we believe deserve special attention.

Think carefully about the wishes you give to colleagues

It is worth considering what you want to say and how, so as not to encroach on too private areas, which may cause awkwardness or, worse, sadness. Do not wish anyone a child, finding a partner, or losing weight. These are not the wishes that we would like to hear, so let’s not do this to another person. Especially at the corporate Christmas Eve, where everyone would like to spend this time in a friendly atmosphere.

Keep critical remarks to yourself

A Christmas gathering is not the time to point out errors or vent frustrations. Such issues should be addressed during working hours, not in a restaurant at an official meeting, which in no way should resemble evaluations and summaries of internal shortcomings.

Do not gossip about colleagues or employers

Refrain from malice. If anyone nearby hears it, it is likely to build unnecessary tension or, worse, cause a quarrel and a minor scandal. Keep all gossip to yourself during this time.

Remember moderation

Limiting alcohol is obvious; corporate meetings are not situations where getting drunk is welcome. After all, there will be people around with whom we work on a daily basis, so it’s not worth creating a situation that will require explaining and apologizing for your behavior. Nevertheless, it is also worth considering moderation in eating; overindulgence does not reflect well on our personal culture.

Do not bring up controversial topics

A corporate Christmas Eve is not the best time to discuss politics, war, or someone’s views. Stick to topics that will not cause scandal and won’t make the atmosphere so tense that you could “cut it with a knife.”

How to dress for the Christmas gathering?

Etiquette is not only about behavior at the corporate Christmas Eve but also about our appearance. It is a special occasion, so it should be respected by choosing a formal or at least smart casual attire. It’s worth maintaining moderation and not exposing too much of the body. Classics always defend themselves, so subdued outfits are welcomed here. However, it often happens that the employer, by sending an invitation to the employees, informs about the dress code. So an even bigger faux pas is not to adhere to the accepted rules and stand out too much from the crowd.

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Can I skip the corporate Christmas Eve?

Not everyone must feel a bond with their company or know too many employees, which can especially happen in large companies. In such situations, it seems to us that the simplest solution would be to skip the meeting. However, if the employer has issued an invitation and we do not have an important reason why we must decline participation, not showing up may be taken badly. In our opinion, it is better to appear even for an hour than not at all.

Sharing the Christmas wafer at the corporate Christmas Eve?

Sharing the Christmas wafer is mainly associated with Christmas when we are with our family and also give each other wishes. However, it is sometimes also practiced at the corporate Christmas Eve, which some people may find too intimate and a custom reserved exclusively for the closest ones. If, however, the organization has decided otherwise, it will look odd if you refuse to participate in this activity. It would be tactless to pretend that at that moment we received a very important phone call or had to go to the bathroom. Wishes do not have to be elaborate or very long, sometimes a standard “fulfillment of dreams” or “all the best” is enough. These phrases are so universal and friendly that they will work in any situation.

Just be courteous

Coming to the corporate Christmas Eve, don’t forget to bring a good mood. Our presence at events organized by the employer is really important and often helps break the ice between coworkers. In today’s times, it is even an opportunity to simply get to know work colleagues. Many people have been working remotely for some time and it often happens that they have never seen each other face to face.

The corporate Christmas Eve is a great opportunity to have a good time in a less formal setting, make new friends, and sometimes even strengthen your position in the company. Remember, however, that moderation is key and it is worth maintaining a certain personal culture.

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